We are an independent, non-denominational, and traditional church founded in Powell County in 1853. As part of a worldwide movement to return to the simplicity of Bible Christianity, we desire to be a congregation that follows the pattern of the New Testament as closely as possible.

  • Biblical preaching that is both practical and theological.
  • Weakly Communion with Christ, singing hymns and praying.
  • Baptizing those who choose to repent and believe in Christ for salvation.
  • Equipping and encouraging each member to be a witness and servant to others.
  • Led spiritually by a plurality of Elders.


Sunday School

9:30 AM

Sunday Worship

10:30 AM

Wednesday Discipleship

6:15 Fellowship Meal & Gym Activity

7 PM Bible Study for all ages

Nursery Provided 


We are located at 100 West Church Street in Stanton, KY. On Sunday mornings, we have a nursery, a kids’ church, and classes for all ages on Wednesday nights.


Laura Young

Youth Director

(606) 359-0779